Sunday, November 1, 2009


Last night's dream was about an earthquake. Tell you what... volcanos, tidal waves and earthquakes, I'm feeling a little washed out. I do feel they are signs for the future unfortunately, increasing in frequency and intensity.

Wish I knew where I was in last night's dream "doh" I should've asked. Anyway, it didn't really feel like Australia. However the land was dry with not much vegetation. We had been made aware to expect an earthquake. We were uncertain what areas would be affected and were unsure where to go in the time that we had. We ended up coming across a very large metal shed. For some reason I was taping up inside the doors. There was also another large metal shed, don't think it was visible from our shed, but we ended up going over there. There were other people sheltering there as well. I was then in a older house with wooden floor boards, the earthquake hit and the floorboards were being ripped apart under my feet, the earth was opening up.

There was fire. It was as if parts of the house were falling and people were dodging
firey missiles? I was feeling the emotions, living the horror. Then it was as if I was above, it was over, and I was looking down on one of the people who had miraculously survived the whole ordeal. The person was so shaken and was wondering how they could have possible survived everything they'd endured. Like being interviewed. I can't remember whether they were male or female, but for some reason, light pale complexion, blonde (almost white) short, natural wavy hair sticks in my head - medium height and build - aged late 20s or in 30s I'm guessing. The description of this person could be a clue as to where I and the earthquake was because of the common physical charateristics of people from that area. ie swedish??? help me out here, geography is not my thing :-) I also do remember something about the earthquake actually ended up occured a bit later (maybe a couple days or hours)than was predicted. After the disaster there were people stealing and fighting each other. I keep thinking it was like the earthquake was predicted and warned for the 28th of the month but occured on the last day of the month.