Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tidal waves

In last nights dream we were swimming in the ocean, enjoying the swell at the time, riding the waves in etc. Before very long at all each wave was noticeably getting larger and stronger as was the noticeably abnormal draw back before the large wave. Wave after wave we began to realise something was not right and the waves were now beginning to thrash the shore line above normal high tide marks. So high and frightning were the waves now. Swimmers no longer able to raise above them, getting pulled under. On looking from the shore we realised we had to run. Each wave reaching new heights raising the water levels, washing down coastal buildings etc. It was time to get to higher ground as fast as we could.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Western Australia - Pole Shift

Last night I had a dream. An old wise looking white haired man showed me a map of Australia. There was a curved line drawn on the map sectioning off most of Western Australia. My attention then was bought to the north and south poles. I was aware that it was in relation to a possible future polar shift. It was indicated that Western Australia would be covered in water. Queensland seemed to be ok.
Then in another part of the dream I was experiencing something catastrophic. Everything crumbling around us. We were among very few who survived. I have in the past read of information like this, so whether it was just recalling information or future insight, regardless, for me I wouldn't be living in Western Australia.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Yesterday I unexpectedly heard a word in my head. The word from memory would be spelt "Languana" I had no idea what that would mean, but a google search shows it as a town is South Africa. Just thought it worth mentioning.