Saturday, October 3, 2009

Terrorism threat dream?

Hmm ok, last nights dream/s. I didn't really know what to title this post as I didn't get to see the outcome or the cause, but the closest I can assume is an act of terrorism by how I felt in the dream.

Not sure if it was two separate dreams or whether they both relate to the one event.

I was attending an event. It was a ground storey venue, brick I think. I may recall the building having a wide cement verandah that I walked directly across to walk through open wide doors where there was seating set up. I'm not convinced that the seating was a permanent arrangement. Think I recall the seating set up in a way that there were two or three walkways ie the seating arranged in rows but in rectangular blocks if you were looking from above. (I'm trying to recall in as much detail as possible for a number of reasons. 1.When an event occurs in real life, I learn from the detail as I have seen in my dream. 2.It encourages me in my dreams to take better notice and ask questions - brain training) There would have been seating for a hundred or more people. Most of the people were already seated when myself and a few other people walked in and found our seats on the very left hand block of seating a few rows from the back. (looking from the door walking in) I find in some of my dreams that it is not actually me and or people I know, but seems as though I am seeing through the eyes of a person who is there, sometimes I can even be the opposite sex and know my name, which is a really freaky experience :-)

Now,only a few minutes after we were seated I noticed some men (2 or 3) walking down the side alley beside our seats next to the wall. They were walking with haste but seemed to want to go unnoticed, but they were definately on a mission.

I think that I recall some sort of stage at the front and these men were wearing black (possibly suits) were headed behind stage. There could have also been a number of the same looking men walking down the opposite side of building also toward the stage as if they were closing in on someone possibly. I'm trying hard to feel their energy. It's hard to tell whether they were the baddies ie terrorist, but I'm leaning toward the fact that they were undercover police who knew something was going on and were intervening. (It was hard to read their energy because even if they were the police, there was a lot of negative energy attached to them about the operation and what needed to be done, if that makes any sense) A lot of the audience was oblivious to what was happening. I was focused soley on these men and what their purpsoe was. When they nearly reached the stage, I looked to my right hand side and noticed a row of people standing up hurriedly and rushing to the door. I felt the fear of these people and I also knew I had to get out of there as fast as possible. Initially I walked quickly but ended up running out in panic with a lot of other people who felt the same thing. I remember thinking as I was running "They are not going to be happy that we are fleeing and making a scene", but I felt I HAD to get out to save my life. Me and some others got out onto the grass and that is where that dream ended.

If I had to interpret that dream as a prediction (it may have just been a dream) but I would guess that there is going to be an act of terrorism or similar at an event with hundreds of people involved. However I don't know the outcome and it may have just been a prank, but when my dreams just end like that, it usually indicates an ending that is horrific that I don't need to experience.

Actually now that I've typed that I'm going to leave that post stand alone. My other dream which was directly after this dream I will post seperatley even though they may have a connection ie. something to do with tennis.

From this dream I would have to advise not to attend any event that meets those details, I know I won't be.

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