Monday, October 5, 2009

Little flat dog Dream 03/10/09

Ok I wasn't sure if I was going to bother posting this dream, but here it is.

Our neighbours have a couple little dogs, one is particularly small, probably less than half the size of our cat. Anyway in my dream I saw my neigbours sitting down, their energy resembled that of grief. One of them was holding what I recognised as this little dog mentioned above, however it was flat and lifeless, like a cardboard cut out although a little bit thicker (hee hee, do you think I'm a total crackpot now? :-) I immediately THOUGHT (wasn't shown or told) that their little dog had been run over by a vehicle. It was as though they were keeping this cut out in memory or something - don't ask, I don't know, well maybe...nah I really just dont know yet LOL.

I woke up and thought I should tell my husband of my dream of this little dog but I hadn't got round telling him. It was then that I took the garbage out and when I got back to my front door, my husband said "Look who's here" and there stood this little dog all of about 15cm long, wagging his tail but frightened at the same time looking up at us giants. I shook my head and thought "Oh I know, I hear you". My husband said that the previous day he had twice returned the dog home, back into their fenced yard, but I had no knowledge of that before my dream.

A little dog like that, on the loose, on a road like ours is not good. All I can do is take the opportunity when it arises to make my neighbours well aware that their little dog is getting out. Not always is helpful advice welcome though. How can you ignore a little dog's energy, that's come possibly asking for help. I pray for his sake that he doesn't get flattened. Do you laugh or cry? I do what I can and then I have to laugh!

Will our proactive approach prevent an accident? Let's hope so. We may never know.

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