Thursday, October 29, 2009

Interesting Learning - Perspective

I have learnt something about the way I see things in my dreams which will help me with interpretation in future.

When I had the dream that I had a rash and so did a friend of mine - but it actually turned out to be my son and not me that had the rash, I learnt a number of things. I got the learning from the dream about the natural remedy, which was cool, but I still didn't understand the friend association in the dream. In my dream it was MY friend who also had the rash. Now as it was actually my son in real life who got the rash, it now makes sense that it would be my son's friend who would also have the rash, not my friend. (BTW it turns out that it was one of my friend's son that got the rash, her son is my son's friend - sounds complicated but really quite simple) I only worked this learning out when I was told and shown a photo of my son's friend who also had what looked exactly like the same severe measly looking rash all over. My intuition and knowledge told me that what my son had was a virus as it started with a fever and then less than a week later the rash started. My son did have contact with this friend on the day that I first noticed a few spots on my son. The doctor told me that it was NOT contagious but I feel differently. I feel better now that I know these things as I did ask for the answer as to what caused it as I was concerned and wondering what it was that triggered an allergic reacation like that so we could avoid it. I now don't believe that it was an allergy.

So I have learnt a number of things. I now understand that if it was me in a dream but in real life that circumstance happens to another person around me ,that I can apply the dream from that perspective to recieve the message eg. as it was my son that got the rash, then the other person affected would likely be my son's friend.

I also yesterday had a similar learning about this perspective thing which reinforces this realisation.

Weeks ago I had a dream and I saw like a specific local government body (out of respect not mentioning names) meeting where the outcome was that they accepted the tender for a big job that my husband had submitted through his work. It was as though this decision was overdue and my husband was anxious and a bit frustrated waiting on this answer. At the time my husband had no job that he had quoted for this government body, so I didn't understand that dream -YET. Just last night my husband told me that a work colleague of his had just won an $800 000.00 job with that specific government body from a quote that he was working on for weeks and had submitted. I asked my husband if the decision was overdue and possibly causing those emotions in his collegue. My husband said yes, he was waiting and it was overdue. So the similar learning for me here is that I didn't know my husbands work colleague well enough to get a clear image of him in my dream which would've just confused me more. Instead I related the dream to my husband. Knowing what I know now about interpreting my dreams, when I told my husband about this dream intially, if it was not something my husband was doing but one of his colleagues was, I could feel comfortable in relating the dream to his collegue rather than my husband. The connection with my husband and his work still got the message to the right place. If I knew that this other fellow was working on a big quote for this same place at the time, I could've said, "It's going to be ok, he's just going to have to wait and they'll string him out for the answer, but he'll win it. He just has to be patient and let go of the unnessary negative emotions". That particluar dream was one of reassurance. I'm learning so much, so quickly now that I've detached my narrow minded, short sighted, ball and chain. It's actually making sense to me - whooo hooo!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Volcano - Melbourne?

I had a dream last night, again about a volcano. I do ask to see the truth, but I do accept that it is possible that this dream could possibly be a creation of my imagination influenced due to the fact that after my last Volcano dream I did some internet research and found some reports about a Volcanos in Melbourne (and other parts of Australia) and the concern that they are overdue to errupt and some populated areas need to make emergency plans.

However, I will tell it how I dreamt it.

I was in Melbourne, there was a huge volcanic erruption and it was as if I was aware of how this was going to unfold exactly as my first dream. It was as though in this dream, I was aware and remembering my first dream and using that dream as a step by step guide as to what we (the people in the building) should do in order to survive. I used that information from the first dream to calm myself and reassure others.

The first sign was that I saw white stuff falling from the sky. I'm no expert on Volcanic erruptions so I'm guessing maybe it was ash or something? Then there was the lava flowing down (grey by the time it reached the building) around, and into the building. We were frantically closing door and windows. We had to wait out erruptions and plan our escape. I remember hiding myself and my family under a mattress as some sort of protection.

Again (for some reason) I knew we needed to get onboard a boat in order to flee to safety.

Hard part is knowing whether it was was a message for Melbourne or not.

Friday, October 23, 2009


I had a dream a few years ago and while I thought it was precious at the time, it's true value has only just been real-ised by me recently. I will explain as I visualise it again : I saw and felt myself standing alone, I saw just whiteness all around me, like a blank page with me in the centre, no scenery, no one else. I was standing on a step in the middle of nowhere. I knew I was to take the next step, but it wasn't there? Because of the dimension of the dream, which I can't describe well in words, I felt as though I would endure a great fall if I was to try to continue my ascension. Reluctantly I lifted one foot and went to place it above the first, where I imagined the next step would've been. As I put my foot down and only just before it would've made contact with my imaginary step ... a beautifully shiny molten metal type of substance flowed down from above and perfectly formed the next step beneath that foot. Again, the next step after was not there, but I now had such confidence, such FAITH that 'it' would save me again, that I felt comfortable enough to run up the staircase with vigor and power in my every step. I knew that no matter how fast I ran, that 'it' would keep up and it did. I trusted. I was filled with such an abundane of joy in my heart and childlike enthusiasm. I believe 'IT' was God.

Missing Girl - from beach

Trying to get a few older dreams posted. I don't have a date for this dream but would've been months ago now.

People were waterskiing. I think the Mother of a young girl was one of the people skiing. I was then all of a sudden overlooking a beautiful white beach (think was in a different location to the waterskiing) the beach reminded me of some picturesque island beach. A mother was frantic that her daughter was 'gone'from where she was supposed to be playing on the beach. I recall a name or word in association with this sounded like "Caberet" It was as if these people were visitors holidaying on an island. The girl I am guessing was aged around 4-6 years old. I think the girl was quite plump, but my memory fails me. I need to keep better notes and dates.


This was a dream that I had about a week ago. I was at an airport out on the tarmac. I remember seeing a large number of planes. My attention was on about 3 small planes which were somehow related to Australia. I think they may have had something relating to Australia sign written on them. The planes seemed to be coming and going together. Something disturbing about it all. Maybe just the danger factor of so many planes flying together. I can't remember but maybe China was somehow involved. Feels kinda like someone 'taking over'.

Air Bus crash dream 12/06/09

I just also thought I'd mention this dream that I had back in June.

I had a dream that a group of boys, like a foreign soccer team with two male coaches were on board an air flight.... I heard a warning that said 2 hrs untill the plane crashes.... (There was one or two of the boys who for some reason I saw earlier in a back yard, who were sad/troubled and possibly didn't want to go where they were going, it seemed that there was force involved)

(There has been talk on a current affair show about the safety concern of certain Air Busses, think it was something to do with the computers and information that they are using to fly on, but not sure as I didn't see the show only the shorts. When I heard Air Busses it sparked a memory of that dream which I felt was in relation to an Air Bus at the time.)

Thursday, October 22, 2009


As a child we had an ironing lady. My mother and I made a close bond with this woman, Mary, she had no children of her own. She was a woman of huge Christian faith and a huge inspiration to me. She was one of those women who when you thought of her and rang her, she was just thinking of you. Anyway she became very ill and I kept closer contact and we used to go out and catchup for coffee and a chat. She was nearly 70 years old when she died last year and before she died I opened up to her and told her about the stuff that I see and hear and I was glad that I did. She was a very special friend to me. I went to visit her nightly in hospital after she was told that she did not have much longer to live. We talked and talked about real stuff. She remembered things from my childhood that were special to me and she shared important memories of her childhood with me as well.

The dream I had was a few months ago now and was quite simple. I was in the centre of an area. This small car was driving fairly fast and energetically around and around and around me as if doing joyful circles around me? As the little brown car got closer to me I noticed Mary was the driver!! With the window down and so full of life, she smiled at me, knowing that I could see her. I remember saying something like "But you're dead and I can see you" Mary didn't say a word, but her face was so alive and alight.

I now see that dream as very special and significant. I kept thinking and thinking what could that dream mean? Thanks to Denise's words - It came to me last night when I was thinking of her driving around and around me. Of course "Mary IS around me" I've now opened up to the possibility of communicating with Mary as she was a most trusted and respected friend. I think we'll be hearing from her, with some great information, if/when it's meant to be.

Barren land with mentor

This was a very short dream that I had when I was resting today. I was in some sort of vehicle with my friend and mentor. The land was very dry, dusty with little vegetation and no sign of civilisation around us. I had my mentor with me. She turned to me and asked "Is there anything here?" my answer was "no". Sounds simple but the meaning goes deeper than the surface.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Medical Air Rescue

Had this dream a couple nights ago. I was living out of town. There was a small medical airplane flying low over our house as if looking for a property, someone in need of emergency help. Then I think I was looking down from above, like an aerial view (don't know how I got up there though, but cool :-) and I zoomed in on a place. I could see the property that they were looking for as there was already an ambulance in the driveway. Think there was a helicpoter involved too. Possibly the airplane turned into a helicopter at one stage LOL.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Tidal Wave/s

Night before last I had another dream of what I think were tidal waves.

I was in the main street of a town. We could see the water coming into the street and it was rising much faster than a normal flood. it was like I noticed it rising metre by metre, second by second.

Then the water receded but I knew/believed it was coming again. I knew that it had to go over and fill up some lower flat land reserve/oval before it was going to again flood into the main street. Such a chilling realisation at the volume of water necessary to do this.

Hmmm think it's more likely to be one tidal wave and then another (rather than a flood) but hard to say. Maybe it's also in relation to "The big one coming from Alaska" dream that I had.

But I'm guessing two tidal waves at the same place.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


This was not a dream, but I read it and wanted to post it.

Faith sees the invisible
believes the incredible
and receives the impossible.

author unknown.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bow and arrow dream

Well last night's dream was most unexpected. In my dream I was at my home where I grew up as a child. There was a huge and powerful bow and arrow there. It may have belonged to my brother, not sure. I took hold of the bow, I grabbed the arrow and loaded the bow ready to shoot. The string of the bow was so taut and the sheer powerful energy of it in my hands demanded my attention. I was now standing outside the front of the house pointing the bow and arrow down the end of the straight street. Without thinking I used my might to pull back and then release the arrow. The huge arrow went hurtling down the road faster than my eye could follow. Once I had released it, I became suddenly aware of what an irresponsible and reckless thing I had done without first ensuring that there was nothing in the way that would be harmed.

I could not believe how far the arrow travelled, it made it right to the end of the street. At the end of the road was a house and there was an average height and weight pretty young woman in the front yard. I did not originally see her there as she was bending over or laying down in her garden behind a hedge or something. It was a horrible thing when the arrow speared her in the knee at high speed. Those long seconds of watching the flying arrow wondering where it would stop, knowing that there was nothing I could do to stop it, was sickening. Of course she screamed and screamed and I felt such remorse and self disgust. She was rushed to hospital.

Not long after that I was in a car talking to an old man, white hair I think (her grandfather? )and I asked how she was doing, he said "she's 99%" I was somewhat relieved to hear that. I knew I had to appologise in person and accept all the consequences attached to my recklessness. The fact that she was completely innocent and not deserving of what had happened stands out to me.

From this dream I could interpret it a number of different ways, figuratively, symbolically or literally. (Not that I plan on shooting anyone with a bow and arrow myself LOL but if I was looking through the eyes of another - that kind of literal sense. You knew what I meant:-)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Skin rash/allergy

On the 16th September I had a dream that I was with a friend. We were out near my herb garden. After a while she realised she had a hive-like rash on her belly. I looked at myself and found that I too had the rash but it was much worse than hers. I remember then both her and I taking a leaf and putting it in our mouths and eating it and that was the end of the dream.

Thing was that the very next day, my young son broke out in a rash just under his arm pit which spread down his side/front. When I first noticed his rash I almost spun out for a moment with dejavu then I finally realised the connection with my dream. His rash has spread all over his body and after taking him to the doctor just after it began we were told it was prickly heat or an allergy. It is quite a severe reaction.

So my question is what was my dream telling me?

First I thought that maybe my son had eaten a leaf from my herb garden and had an allergic reaction to it as I still remember the shape, size and colour of the leaf that I ate in my dream, which resembled the leaf of herb basil.

But now that I've done some research on the herb basil it seems more likely that it is a natural cure as it is one of natures anti-inflammatories. It's amazing and very interesting. Type in anti-inflammatory basil as an internet search and see for yourself. Magic of God's pharmacy hey! Now that I know I might just go and mix up a brew of a-la-natural lotion, using basil, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper and smear it on the itch...Interesting!

Now what have I learnt from this. Firstly I was wrong in THINKING. I am realising this more and more about interpreting my dream, that thought often interferes, when I jump to conclusions of my own. Immediately I ASSUMED that the leaf that I ate in my dream was a CAUSE of my (and my son's) rash. It wasn't until I recalled the dream in very close detail that I realised that we actually ate the leaves AFTER we noticed the allergic re-action had developed, which then lead me to research basil as a possible cure. See the importance of getting it right without assumption. This is a big lesson for me...leave my logic out of it and look at what I am being shown, not what I THINK I'm shown.

I should've known better. I have in the past been going about my business when I will clairaudiently hear the name of a crystal or something out of the blue. Sometimes I have no idea whether the crystal etc even exists, let-a-lone what it is used for. I had a big learning with that oneday when I was told the name of a crystal when I was washing up and then when I went to work, a colleague was telling me of their health issues. Sure enough after researching the crystal that I was told it was revealed that it was the natural crystal used for healing her issues.

Still getting my head around being told an answer before I know the question.

Sometimes it's hard to hear the whispers, but it's sure worth listening!

Little flat dog Dream 03/10/09

Ok I wasn't sure if I was going to bother posting this dream, but here it is.

Our neighbours have a couple little dogs, one is particularly small, probably less than half the size of our cat. Anyway in my dream I saw my neigbours sitting down, their energy resembled that of grief. One of them was holding what I recognised as this little dog mentioned above, however it was flat and lifeless, like a cardboard cut out although a little bit thicker (hee hee, do you think I'm a total crackpot now? :-) I immediately THOUGHT (wasn't shown or told) that their little dog had been run over by a vehicle. It was as though they were keeping this cut out in memory or something - don't ask, I don't know, well maybe...nah I really just dont know yet LOL.

I woke up and thought I should tell my husband of my dream of this little dog but I hadn't got round telling him. It was then that I took the garbage out and when I got back to my front door, my husband said "Look who's here" and there stood this little dog all of about 15cm long, wagging his tail but frightened at the same time looking up at us giants. I shook my head and thought "Oh I know, I hear you". My husband said that the previous day he had twice returned the dog home, back into their fenced yard, but I had no knowledge of that before my dream.

A little dog like that, on the loose, on a road like ours is not good. All I can do is take the opportunity when it arises to make my neighbours well aware that their little dog is getting out. Not always is helpful advice welcome though. How can you ignore a little dog's energy, that's come possibly asking for help. I pray for his sake that he doesn't get flattened. Do you laugh or cry? I do what I can and then I have to laugh!

Will our proactive approach prevent an accident? Let's hope so. We may never know.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tennis - child abduction?

Ok this dream was the other dream I had last night. I was at an outdoor tennis court/club. I was a child. Hmm guessing my age...around 10 but could be a bit out on that? Feel I was female. It was as if I was being held there against my will, although not necessarily treated badly. Felt like I had been abducted or held hostage, which I know sounds weird. The tennis courts were up the hill a bit and I was standing alone and inconspicuously on the dirt driveway. It felt as though my abductors were playing tennis, I kept checking on them and their where-a-bouts. It seemed I had a bit of free rein. I remember my Dad arriving and becoming involved, it was as though he had come to rescue me and we were trying to get out of there without being spotted.

Hmm from this dream I wonder if it relates to a missing child case somewhere, sometime. Could it be that a missing child gets taken to Tennis with the abductors and that be a possible key? Just throwing ideas around.

or like I said, it could relate to the last dream or infact be just a dream. Maybe time will reveal.

Terrorism threat dream?

Hmm ok, last nights dream/s. I didn't really know what to title this post as I didn't get to see the outcome or the cause, but the closest I can assume is an act of terrorism by how I felt in the dream.

Not sure if it was two separate dreams or whether they both relate to the one event.

I was attending an event. It was a ground storey venue, brick I think. I may recall the building having a wide cement verandah that I walked directly across to walk through open wide doors where there was seating set up. I'm not convinced that the seating was a permanent arrangement. Think I recall the seating set up in a way that there were two or three walkways ie the seating arranged in rows but in rectangular blocks if you were looking from above. (I'm trying to recall in as much detail as possible for a number of reasons. 1.When an event occurs in real life, I learn from the detail as I have seen in my dream. 2.It encourages me in my dreams to take better notice and ask questions - brain training) There would have been seating for a hundred or more people. Most of the people were already seated when myself and a few other people walked in and found our seats on the very left hand block of seating a few rows from the back. (looking from the door walking in) I find in some of my dreams that it is not actually me and or people I know, but seems as though I am seeing through the eyes of a person who is there, sometimes I can even be the opposite sex and know my name, which is a really freaky experience :-)

Now,only a few minutes after we were seated I noticed some men (2 or 3) walking down the side alley beside our seats next to the wall. They were walking with haste but seemed to want to go unnoticed, but they were definately on a mission.

I think that I recall some sort of stage at the front and these men were wearing black (possibly suits) were headed behind stage. There could have also been a number of the same looking men walking down the opposite side of building also toward the stage as if they were closing in on someone possibly. I'm trying hard to feel their energy. It's hard to tell whether they were the baddies ie terrorist, but I'm leaning toward the fact that they were undercover police who knew something was going on and were intervening. (It was hard to read their energy because even if they were the police, there was a lot of negative energy attached to them about the operation and what needed to be done, if that makes any sense) A lot of the audience was oblivious to what was happening. I was focused soley on these men and what their purpsoe was. When they nearly reached the stage, I looked to my right hand side and noticed a row of people standing up hurriedly and rushing to the door. I felt the fear of these people and I also knew I had to get out of there as fast as possible. Initially I walked quickly but ended up running out in panic with a lot of other people who felt the same thing. I remember thinking as I was running "They are not going to be happy that we are fleeing and making a scene", but I felt I HAD to get out to save my life. Me and some others got out onto the grass and that is where that dream ended.

If I had to interpret that dream as a prediction (it may have just been a dream) but I would guess that there is going to be an act of terrorism or similar at an event with hundreds of people involved. However I don't know the outcome and it may have just been a prank, but when my dreams just end like that, it usually indicates an ending that is horrific that I don't need to experience.

Actually now that I've typed that I'm going to leave that post stand alone. My other dream which was directly after this dream I will post seperatley even though they may have a connection ie. something to do with tennis.

From this dream I would have to advise not to attend any event that meets those details, I know I won't be.